Established in 1993, SOURCETECH QUÍMICA is a Brazilian company dedicated to the development and production of raw materials and drugs from natural origin.
The company’s activities are geared to the production and commercialization of vegetal Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
With its Industrial Unit located in the city of Pindamonhangaba and the Agricultural Unit in the municipality of Barra do Corda, the company has target focused on the development and production of alkaloids, specific to the pharmaceutical industry.
Therefore, Sourcetech has control of its entire production chain from planting, harvesting, extraction, purification up to the final packing of its products. A productive and post-productive verticalization from the farm till the final consumer, where traceability control is fundamental.
In this way, is ensured a strict control over the quality and standardization of everything that is produced. A competitive, safe and healthy, economic , and environmentally sustainable differential, in accordance with the best standards of Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), internationally stablished by the World Health Organization (WHO).